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Community Home Run Derby Fundraiser

June 8, 2018

There seems to be nothing worse than a life-threatening illness, specifically cancer. And when cancer hits a young person, that can be especially devastating.

But there is hope.

Hope can come through different means for different people, and often hope comes in the form of the simple and sincere support of loved ones – friends, family members, church groups, peers, coworkers, and communities.

Recently, Elite Restoration joined forces with Magic Valley Electric to do their part in helping to raise that kind of support for a local teen. Mia Trease is a local Southern Idaho girl is currently battling with osteosarcoma cancer.

The two companies teamed up on June 1st for the Community Home Run Derby Supporting Mia Trease to hit some homeruns at Filer High School in order to raise some money for Mia. The evening began with a kids’ home run derby, followed by a one-pitch softball game between Elite Restoration and Magic Valley Electric (each company contributed a $500 donation, which the losing team had to match!), and the evening ended with an adult home run derby. But that wasn’t all! There was also a raffle, entertainment, a dunk tank, food, and more.

In total, over $3500 was raised to contribute to Mia’s brave fight.

“We’ve never done something like this before,” said Larissa Williams, who works with Elite’s marketing department. “As a company, you want to help, and we wanted to something a little different. We’ve always sponsored teams, so it was really great to sponsor a family that someone from each of our companies knew personally.”

And which company ended up losing the softball match? Here at Elite, we’re not too proud to admit that our softball skills may need some brushing up on.

But at the end of the day, no one really lost in this case; not when everyone had a great time helping someone out. No matter how big or how small, together as a community, we can make a difference when we work together for each other. Together, we are #StrongerThanThis!